Third Edition of ROFFS™ Fishy Times – Rare Excellent Fishing Conditions Continue in December


December 17, 2013


December 2013 – Special Hudson Canyon to Cape Hatteras Analysis

We were able to use yesterday afternoon and today’s infrared SST imagery data, along with yesterday’s MODIS ocean color/chlorophyll imagery, to increase your chances for tuna, swordfish, dolphin, billfish and wahoo action. The Gulf Steam is present in the analysis area, with a morning sst of 78.0°F. Overall, a relatively large, clockwise rotating Gulf Stream eddy, that was previously providing good fishing action over Hudson Canyon, has moved southwards, creating favorable conditions for tuna, sailfish, mahi, swordfish, dolphin and wahoo action from over Toms Canyon to over Spencer Canyon. Due to the Gulf Stream eddy’s oval shape, it is expected to push inshore over Carteret Canyon to Spencer Canyon, enhancing the good conditions already there. From Poor Mans Canyon to Norfolk Canyon, a filament of blended blue water from the Gulf Stream eddy is pushing southwards, suggesting good chances for tuna, sailfish, mahi, swordfish, dolphin and wahoo action along the southwestern canyon walls. Click HERE to view FULL analysis on our website…


December 2013 – Warm Water Remains in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico

This is a special analysis to showcase some unusual ocean conditions that are occurring in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico.  Overall, the Loop Current has shed filaments of blended blue and blue 74.0°F-79.0°F water that are pushing northward from Naples to the Florida Panhandle, before turning westward and moving offshore. This influx of blended blue and blue water suggests favorable, inshore conditions for a combination of tuna, wahoo, dolphin, sailfish and swordfish action. East of Tampa Bay, blended blue filaments extend into 30 fathom depths, and continue northward into 20 fathom depths over the Florida Middle Grounds. South of the Florida Panhandle, similar blended blue and blue filaments push inshore over 20 fathom depths, suggesting good chances for tuna, wahoo, dolphin, sailfish and swordfish action along the blue green to blended blue water mass boundaries. Click HERE to view FULL analysis on our website…


December 2013 – Favorable Fishing Conditions Remain in the Western Gulf of Mexico

This is a special analysis to showcase the current ocean conditions in the Western Gulf of Mexico. Overall, a filament of blue 76.0°F blue water has shed additional filaments of blended blue 73.0°F-75.0°F water, which are pushing in a favorable (for fishing) inshore direction. These filaments are flowing in counter-clockwise direction from the area east of Matagorda Bay towards Corpus Christi Bay, before turning eastward and moving offshore. Conditions such as these suggest favorable conditions for a combination of tuna, wahoo, dolphin, sailfish and swordfish action along the blue-green to blended blue water mass boundaries; especially where they push inshore over the 30 fathom wreck (The Betsy) and the 27 fathom Snake Pit in the north, as well as the 30 fathom Aransas Bank in the west. Further offshore, a blue 75.0°F water filament flows westward over the 103 fathom Cerveza Rig and The Hilltops, before turning northward over the 32 fathom wreck to the west of Doc’s Hole, suggesting additional chances for tuna, wahoo, dolphin, sailfish and swordfish action along the blended blue to blue water mass boundaries. Click HERE to view FULL analysis on our website…

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